Centro de Adiestramiento canino FONTAO. HANNA do
El Perdigueiro Galego es una raza rara de pointer de la comunidad autónoma de Galicia en el noroeste de España. Es una de las cuatro razas tradicionales de la región, las otras son el Can de Palleiro, el Guicho o Quisquelo, y el Podengo Galego[2].
El Perdigueiro Galego, junto con una serie de perros de muestra regionales como el Antiguo Pointer Español, el Pointer Portugués, el Pachón Navarro, el Braque Français, desciende de perros de tipo Bracco Italiano importados en el noroeste de Iberia y el suroeste de Francia hace varios siglos, desarrollándose todos ellos en tipos distintos según las preferencias y necesidades de los deportistas locales[3][2].
El Perdigueiro Galego era más común en los municipios de A Mezquita, Viana do Bolo, Riós, Laza y A Veiga en la provincia gallega de Ourense[2] A partir de los años 70, las razas extranjeras de pointer se pusieron a disposición de los cazadores españoles y el número de Perdigueiro Galego entró en declive; a esto se sumó la disminución del número de perdices en todo el Macizo Gallego. [Para evitar la extinción de la raza, se localizaron y registraron los mejores ejemplares aún disponibles, sobre todo de las provincias de Ourense y Lugo[2]. En 2001 se creó un libro genealógico de la raza para registrar los pedigríes; está gestionado por el Club de Raza do Perdigueiro Galego[3][2].
Imprudent driving of a Monbus driver (15/11/2018)
After the celebration of the first democratic elections an assembly of Galician parliamentarians approved in October 1977 a text that served as the basis of the pre-autonomous regime for Galicia. This text was negotiated with government representatives and ended up being embodied in the RD Law 7/1978 of March 16, 1978, which established the Xunta de Galicia, as a provisional body of Galicia, which will act while the pre-autonomous phase lasts and the constitution and the subsequent Statute of Autonomy are not approved.
This pre-autonomous regime was intended to satisfy the desire to have its own institutions, being aware that the future constitutional text was not conditioned, nor was it obliged to exist in the future Statute of Autonomy, which was yet to come. The text was aware of its provisional and “minimal” nature, in such a way that it postponed the regulation of essential aspects of autonomy to the moment of the Statute.
The presidency of the Xunta de Galicia fell to the deputy Antonio Rosón Pérez, who was elected from within the Xunta itself. The powers exercised by the pre-autonomous Xunta were mainly related to aspects of self-organization, relations with the provincial councils, management of functions and services transferred and powers of proposal to the state government on measures affecting Galician interests.
Galicia contará con preto de 230M€ máis para consolidar o
Resumen: Destinado a la formación del profesorado universitario mediante la concesión de becas a titulados para la realización de una tesis doctoral.Entidad convocante: Secretaría de Estado de Educación, FP y UniversidadesPublicado en: BOE (16/11/2021)Plazo: hasta el 17 de diciembre de 2021Enlace: Página abierta
Resumen: Dirigida a titulados para realizar estudios de postgrado en EE.UU. Entidad convocante: Gobierno de España, Gobierno de Estados Unidos y otras instituciones y organizaciones.Publicado en: BOE (7/12/2015)Plazo: hasta el 12 de enero de 2016Enlace: Página abierta
Dog Training Center FONTAO.Suso with THOR
With all this, progress will be made in achieving a different administration, which has digital technologies as a catalyst for its modernization and where the real effects of the use of these technologies will be aimed at the use of inclusive means and forms for all citizens, creating the necessary conditions of trust for the use of digital services.
d) Collaboration, associated with the development of formulas for joint and cross-cutting work between different actors within and outside the administration, including actions involving interoperability, social innovation and co-production initiatives. As it is related to the co-production of services, collaboration requires the assumption of an active and constant responsibility by the different actors involved.
The aforementioned law also determines the following as service mechanisms: reception and reception, orientation, information, reception and registration of documents and the presentation of complaints and suggestions, also regulating information and its types, suggestions and complaints and the procedure for their presentation. It is now necessary in this law to address, in greater depth, the modality of telematic attention referred to in said Law 1/2015, of April 1.